Wuxi Wanda Mall: An Architectural Tribute to Azaleas

Wandacti and CCI Arch. Design & Consulting's Award-Winning Commercial Complex

Wuxi Wanda Mall, an architectural marvel inspired by the city flower of Wuxi, the azalea, is a commercial complex that seamlessly blends form and function. This Silver A' Design Award-winning project is a testament to innovative design and architectural excellence.

Designed by Wandacti and CCI Arch. Design & Consulting, the Wuxi Wanda Mall is a commercial complex that stands as a bold and innovative architectural statement in the city of Wuxi, China. The design inspiration for the project is derived from the city's flower, the azalea, resulting in the theme of a "Spectacular sea of flowers". The complex is designed to cover five different theme parks, each represented by an azalea petal. This unique approach has not only enhanced the identifiability of the architecture but also left a deep impression on visitors, making them feel psychologically connected to the building.

The Wuxi Wanda Mall is located in a significant part of the city and includes shopping, catering, culture, entertainment, and leisure facilities. The three layers of commercial streets account for 84 thousand square meters, the entertainment building for 28 thousand square meters, and the indoor water parks and children's houses each account for 20 thousand square meters. The movie park is about 26 thousand square meters. The total construction area is 212 thousand square meters, with 178 thousand and 500 square meters above ground and 33 thousand and 500 square meters underground. The total land area is 16.3 hectares, including 7.5 hectares of outdoor parking lots.

The facade of the complex is designed with distinct layers, with the petals divided into three layers - the top of the roof and the facade of the facade. The petals rise one after another, giving the impression of blooming flowers full of vitality. The main entrance door is designed as a petal eversion, emphasizing the identifiability of the entrance and sublimating the design concept.

The project is located in the main axis of Wuxi cultural tourism city, housing a collection of first-class brand shopping centers from around the world. This has elevated Wuxi's commercial facilities to a world-class level, drawing global attention to the city as a fashion hub. The design of the Wanda Mall not only reflects regional characteristics but also deeply metaphorizes Chinese culture.

Designing the Wuxi Wanda Mall posed several challenges. The architectural image of Wanda city needed to reflect the theme of Chinese cultural elements or regional cultural characteristics. Attention had to be paid to the fifth facade of the building, the design of the roofing image, and the indoor water park and the roof lighting skylight area of the indoor children's Pavilion, which had to be over 50% of the building's roof area. Despite these challenges, the design team successfully realized their vision, resulting in a project that won the Silver A' Architecture, Building, and Structure Design Award in 2019.

In conclusion, the Wuxi Wanda Mall stands as a testament to innovative design and architectural excellence. Its unique design, inspired by the azalea, the city flower of Wuxi, and its seamless blend of form and function, make it a landmark in the city. The project not only enhances the city's commercial facilities but also serves as a cultural symbol, reflecting the city's regional characteristics and Chinese culture.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Wanda Cultural Tourism Planning & Research Institute Co.,Ltd. and CCI Architecture Design & Consulting Co.,Ltd.
Image Credits: Wanda Cultural Tourism Planning & Research Institute Co.,Ltd. and CCI Architecture Design & Consulting Co.,Ltd.
Project Team Members: Developer Wanda Group, CCI Architecture Design & Consulting CO.,Ltd.
Project Name: Wuxi Wanda Mall
Project Client: Wanda Cultural Tourism Planning & Research Institute Co.,Ltd. and CCI Architecture Design & Consulting Co.,Ltd.

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